Concierge Reset with Jessica
Restore your body
You’ve seen everyone - from the Harvard-educated western medical doctor to the angel healer your friend swears by. You’ve tried everything - the newest biohacking treatment, that ancient Ayurveda herb, the glowing-faced influencer’s sworn protein hack, the secret wellness clinic in Germany, that top mold expert’s detox protocol… and yet here you are still struggling to find relief. You may have even seen progress at points with some of these modalities, but you lost focus, motivation or just felt alone, confused, and overwhelmed by it all. You’re under pressure constantly. Your job requires you to stay strong, sharp, and absolutely stunning at all times.
You need a plan, a clear roadmap, to your optimal state of health. You know your body is asking for more, but you can’t seem to find the one person who can uncover and resolve the sources of your chronic symptoms. Let alone, hold your hand through it all so that you arrive in the ultimate promised land of sustainable health and happiness.
Well, you found her. It’s me. I’ve been in this exact situation myself and I’ve walked many just like you out of this hell hole. Successfully relieving many chronic conditions including body and brain inflammation, deep anxiety, clinical depression, digestive imbalances, auto-immunity, toxicity, and more, I’m not messing around. I am serious about your health and when you partner with me you will see and feel change that you thought would never come. This will be a life-altering transformative experience you will never forget.
Your Guide
Jessica Michel (Agadoni)
Hi. I am here to replace your late-night google searches, your troupe of contradicting wellness influencers, and your collection of well-meaning practitioners.
Known for my ability to dig deep (read: find what others miss), I specialize in the seemingly impossible. Chronic illness is my wheelhouse. Through your healing process, you will value my sharp intuition and my practical science-meets-esoteric approach.
It’s my first priority to learn your body, to help you make decisions according to its specific needs, and resolve your most pressing symptoms. It is my second priority to teach you how to interpret and support your own body in the long-term, to empower you to become its ultimate expert.
I am here to rebuild and heal the elite influential artists of our time, so they can use their empathetic perspective and intuitive giftings to shift our culture for good.
Listen to interviews with me HERE.
15+ years of real life self-healing as a Natural Sensitive
Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (BCHN)
Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)
Restorative Wellness Practitioner, Level 3 - Advanced Training in Functional Blood Chemistry, Digestive/Gut Restoration & Hormone Balance (RWP)
Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner (BFRP)
Italian Facial Reflexology Certified, Dien Chan Zone Operator
Reiki Practitioner, trained in the lineage of Mikao Usui
Human Design Reader Certification
Continual Student of Medical Astrology
What to Expect
I only allow 16 clients at the Concierge Reset Level.
Elite Access
You are given a direct protected chat line to me open 24/7 for any and all needs between sessions. Ask questions, request pep talks, seek advice, share fears, process emotions, get product guidance… you name it, you’ve got it. Securely chat with me through voice memos, pictures, videos or text.
Frequent & Flexible Care
On-going support with biweekly or monthly virtual sessions to match your present schedule and location. This is where we dive deep and fine-tune your support, all informed by advanced lab results, personality analysis, astrological transits, protocol customization, lifestyle, performance requirements, shoot schedules, and more.
Sensitive-Safe & Effective Support
All supplements and therapies are tailored to work with your sensitive body. It is a subtle art form to get the sensitive body to see results quickly without causing reactions and more suffering. This is where you most likely hit blocks in the past. My approach minimizes if not fully eliminates these pain points in the healing process.
Custom Dietary Guidance
Based solely on your body’s digestive capacity, lab results, blood presentation, personality, and astrological syndrome that highlights your natural strengths and vulnerabilities.
Serious Focus
Continued attention, motivation, and persistence until you experience the relief you seek.
Everything recommended is moving you towards freedom and authentic health. None of the solutions I recommend will have side effects that create new issues, be addictive or act as long-term bandaids. The goal will always be to clear and heal and activate your body so that it can resolve future imbalances on its own. If something new arises, you will have a strong toolbox of support you know how to use to quickly resolve it! It’s not just about identifying what’s gone wrong and resolving it, it’s also about maintaining and proactively preventing anything new. We protect and respect what we’ve built. You will gain this confidence, and while you can always have me on hand, you can also learn how to be your own healer and advocate.
In summary, you’re never alone in your health journey again when working with me. You can rest knowing that anything that comes up will be addressed. You will feel a weight of worry and fear lifted off your shoulders. You will be served on a level that is unheard of in this industry. This is your ultimate sensitive-informed holistic health care.
Emma Bartlett
“Working with Jess through the 1:1 Concierge Reset was probably one of the best investments I’ve made for myself. She is truly a steady Shepard who guides you into the world of healing with a pace that is suited for your individual body’s needs.
As a highly sensitive person I was always made to feel like I was too much my entire life. She has helped change that narrative for me and I now see my sensitivity as my greatest strength. She guided my body through the transition of losing my father, my divorce, and multiple other emotional stressors.
I’ve healed and cleared many environmental and emotional toxins with her support. The chat feature she has as an option truly helped quell any and all anxiety when moving through protocols.
My biggest takeaway is the trust I now have in my body. I feel safe enough to process anything that may come my way - especially with the addition of medical astrology. I am now aware of what zones in my body may need extra care and attention. ”
Shiloh Woodard
Voice Actress
“The best things that you’ve taught me:
to test and not guess and . . . how many health care providers guess and how easy it is to guess.
It’s also possible to live that full life that I wanted before and eliminate a lot of the toxins.
Just how much toxins affect the system and the body and the emotions.
How much the body can keep the emotions quiet and how medication can keep (emotions) quiet and then how (medication) affects the body’s whole system.
You’ve been the best holistic healer I’ve worked with and I’ve worked with a few.
No one can do what you do. They just can’t.”
More Client Experiences
Janelle Nelson
EMDR Therapist & TBM Partner
“Jessi is an absolute gem. I started working with her after finding out my son and I had been living in mold for a year. With her help I went from feeling miserable to feeling like myself again. My energy is back, headaches gone, sinuses clear, hair stays in, and have even lost 20 lbs! She’s thorough, smart, kind and sources the best products/supplements. Couldn’t be more grateful for her help!”
Rachel Thompson
Registered Nurse
“Taking control of my health and . . . knowing that I was in safe hands. I totally trust you 150% and having that support is just, I mean you just can’t find that anywhere. So I’m so grateful.”
Stephanie Walker
“You’ve helped me out enormously. I am much healthier than I was before. I feel better! You’ve given me a lot of insight into my body and the labs, knowing how to look at them and read them and interpret. . . I would totally do it again!”
Courtney Dobbins
Administrative Assistant
“I think I just resonate with your ideology and how we’ve gone about this. You are such a wealth of knowledge that it makes it such a seamless experience. Thank you so much, yeah honestly!”
Amanda Mineer
Attorney & Non-Profit Executive
“Working with you feels like physical health, mental health, and life coaching all at the same time and then also some personality understanding. It’s to a certain extent like coaching. It all comes together.”
Susan Marzano
Event Producer
“I’m on day 16 and I feel soooo GOOD! It’s ridiculous! I even think I look different! It’s ridiculous! My face has cheekbones again!...You’re magic! You’re a magic lady!”
Kristen Ibsen
Athlete & Psychology Student
“I came to Jessica seeking help with going off the birth control pill, since I knew there were some hormonal imbalances waiting for me once I went off. I used to have horrible PMS symptoms (hence being on the pill for 6 years), but I’m so happy to say that I have been off the pill for 7 months now and my past 4 periods have been almost painless.
My digestion is much better, I don’t have nearly as much inflammation, bloating or acid reflux anymore as well. It’s a reality I didn’t think was possible for me!
Working with Jessi has been not only a wonderful experience but also an educational one. Jessi has so graciously guided me through the process of getting to know my body in new ways and helped me understand how to nourish it. I never felt like she was withholding information so that I would forever be dependent on her - she empowered and equipped me with the knowledge to have with me the rest of my life! I couldn’t give her a higher recommendation.”
Alexa Reisman
Marketing Strategist & Writer
“Working with Jessica has changed my attitude about food and health forever.
From the minute we connected she gave me practical tips, and I'm so glad I started working with her when I did. I met Jess immediately before starting a graduate program, and she supported me during my transition back to school. I was nervous about the effects of stress on my body after severe physical symptoms during my undergraduate years (full body hives, rashes), and Jessica gave me the tools I needed to not only mitigate those symptoms but heal the underlying issues.
With her support and guidance, I changed lifelong habits that had been negatively affecting both my body and my relationships. I highly recommend Jess to anyone who wants to improve their health, and especially to women with chronic health challenges.
Jessica does an amazing job at supporting clients with a variety of different modalities (including beautiful flower remedies!), always with a calm and nonjudgemental approach.
I fully trust Jessica’s expertise, and I can't imagine a better healer, guide, and mentor to help clients navigate their health journeys."
Work With Jessica
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