Episode .03 Finding Restful Ease with Raw Beeswax Candle Maker & Holistic Esthetician Elizabeth Carter

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The lovely and creative Elizabeth walks us through her romantic and adventurous life – including stories of hand-pouring beeswax candles and living on a sailboat mid-renovation. Though it sounds like perfection, she authentically shares the highs and lows of being a maker on the side of her full-time work as a holistic esthetician. Finding her unique state of calm and personal contentment amidst the seasonality of business life is her continual aspiration. She kindly shares her go-to tools and offers up her perspectives for us to soak in and try! It’s an episode that will have you daydreaming of bees, flowers, fresh honey and gently swaying to sleep on a cozy docked sailboat.






“When you’re not blooming, it’s okay. Just flow with the seasons. It’s okay to not be inspired. It’s okay to feel icky. That’s normal. Your season will come.”

Elizabeth Carter




Episode .04 Finding Restful Ease with Herbalist & Healer Erin Lovell Verinder


Episode .02 Finding Restful Ease with Mindful Therapist Jen Kim