Episode .10 Finding Restful Ease Amidst 5G, EMF and Modern Tech with Dr. Mindy Beck
As we continue our conversation around cultivating restful ease, true health, in the body and mind, it’s time to zero in on an everyday blocker of this pursuit – man-made frequencies. You may have heard whispers of these as non-native EMF, electromagnetic radiation or in connection to the 5G rollout. Top emitters are microwaves, wifi routers, cell phones, laptops, tablets, baby monitors, apple watches, fit bits, and more. Have any of these in your home or on your body? I know I do! But don’t panic, I’ve brought on my personal favorite authority on this topic to show us how to cultivate our state of calm amidst the chaos of this modern tech. Our guest Dr. Mindy Beck, a naturopathic physician and cofounder of the company Youmatrix, breaks down the science and explains the impact these invisible frequencies are having on our human biology and the earth. Starting with her adventure-filled journey through Europe to first-hand experiences with chronically ill patients to a health crisis of her own, Dr. Beck connects common symptoms we are all experiencing with the everyday exposure to these artificial frequencies. She also surprises us with an alternative and more effective option for restoring our earth than the current trendy solutions! Most importantly, she demonstrates a balanced approach to this potentially alarming information, teaching us how we can go beyond mitigation, shielding or blocking. She reveals how we can potentially transform these frequencies and reconnect with nature as originally intended, taking us out of our present alarm state and returning us to our calm, self-healing, state.
You will leave this conversation educated, encouraged, and armed with simple tools to take back your health!
“Give people their power back. They do have a choice in their health and it doesn’t have to be dictated from outside of them.”
Dr. Mindy Beck
Episode .08 Finding Restful Ease During Pandemic With Host Jessi Agadoni
As we‘ve been facing the pandemic and the chaos that has ensued, I’ve felt called to record a solo episode to give you a big virtual hug. Let’s talk through cultivating authentic calm in the midst of all this! It’s a true test of our practice, but also a beautiful opportunity to try out and refine our toolkit. I get honest about my own journey and share thoughts on it as a living process. I invite you to hop in time and time again for the included breath exercise at minute 27:55! May this be a meanful resource in times of challenge. Waiting for you inside the episode with great care, dear friend.
“Whatever voice is stressing you out. Tune it out. No one has a perfect solution right now. The best thing you can do is give yourself space to hear your own intuition, your own voice”
Jessi Agadoni
Episode .04 with Erin Lovell Verinder
Episode .05 with Janelle Nelson, therapist
Episode .02 with Jen Kim, therapist
Pandemic Grief Article shared by Sarah Shreves
IGTV on Emotional Eating
IGTV Counting to Calm Exercise
Episode .07 Finding Restful Ease with Naturopath & Acupuncturist Dr. Patti Kim
Step into a deeply personal and encouraging conversation with the kind-hearted and wise Dr. Patti Kim. An impactful voice in the LA alternative healing community, you would never expect the kind of vulnerability she so quickly offers. You start with her journey into naturopathic and Chinese medicine but finish with a profound awareness of yourself and the simple, playful tangible ways you too can find rest in the chaos of this modern world. Acknowledging the great need for authentic partnership in the doctor patient relationship, she expertly pin points why you struggle to take the steps needed to nurture yourself and even explains the underlying reason you crave that hot cup of coffee in the morning! With thoughtful observations on human patterns and tendencies, Patti guides us through some powerful self-reflection. Drinking warm water to ease digestion, singing to activate your vagus nerve, dancing in the kitchen to incorporate play in your life, establishing consistency with whatever your unique practice may be… these are just a few of the innumerable takeaways for your physical, mental and spiritual health. Highlights of her morning and evening rituals demonstrate how she cares for herself within a potentially draining career. Healers, caretakers, and empathetic souls this episode is for you! Floating from lighthearted to soulful, she dives deep into her personal struggles and challenges, owning her imperfections with humility and courage. She invites both you and I to do the same with an openness that will put you at ease. Following her lead, I too share my current morning practices and offer further examples of cultivating rest. You will leave with the desire to cultivate your own personal rest, heighten your intuition and strengthen your ability to self-heal!