Episode .08 Finding Restful Ease During Pandemic With Host Jessi Agadoni

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As we‘ve been facing the pandemic and the chaos that has ensued, I’ve felt called to record a solo episode to give you a big virtual hug. Let’s talk through cultivating authentic calm in the midst of all this! It’s a true test of our practice, but also a beautiful opportunity to try out and refine our toolkit. I get honest about my own journey and share thoughts on it as a living process. I invite you to hop in time and time again for the included breath exercise at minute 27:55! May this be a meanful resource in times of challenge. Waiting for you inside the episode with great care, dear friend.






“Whatever voice is stressing you out. Tune it out. No one has a perfect solution right now. The best thing you can do is give yourself space to hear your own intuition, your own voice”

Jessi Agadoni




Episode .09 Finding Restful Ease in Rebirth with Holistic Coach Sarah Shreves


Episode .07 Finding Restful Ease with Naturopath & Acupuncturist Dr. Patti Kim