Episode .09 Finding Restful Ease in Rebirth with Holistic Coach Sarah Shreves
We welcome the soulful Sarah Shreves for episode 09 to guide us into a place of ease. In a season of great imbalance with high highs and low lows, stability and calm are not easy to embody, yet our beautiful guest exemplifies the very groundedness we are all seeking. She openly shares a personal journey through a painful and uncertain season that in many ways reflects what most of us are facing right now. She offers us hope and a refreshingly practical perspective on both her transformative journey and our current global pause. You’ll be entranced by her artistic endeavors and uniquely intentional approach to portrait photography that led her into deeper work with herself and clients. Wisdom is dropped, glimpses of raw human experience are revealed and pure delight is felt as we all sit together to contemplate what this unexpected season will bring forward for each one of us. An almost spiritual experience, you will not soon forget your encounter with Sarah in this powerful episode.